Language: 简体中文 English
Abstract Submission

All Abstracts must be original work

No Abstracts will be considered after the closing deadline
 Presenting Author of Abstract must be registered as Registrant. Registration payment deadline is extended to 16 April 2019. The unpaid status of your registration will make your Abstract submission disqualified accordingly.
The Abstracts submission for the same Author is limited up to two Abstracts
 Please mentioned your preference of your Abstract(s) for: (a) Oral Presentation, (b) E-Poster Presentation
 Submission is available on-line only. To submit an abstract of your lecture or poster, please visit the “Abstract” section of the congress webpage log in to the on-line registration system and choose the “Abstract submission” option. You may choose different

Abstract category:

 1. Tumor Intervention
 2. Neuro and spine intervention
 3. Comprehensive Intervention
 4. Macrovascular Intervention
 5. Peripheral vascular intervention
 6. Digestive endoscopy intervention
 7. Radiation seed implantation
 8. Tumor ablation
 9. Interventional medicine engineering and Biotechnology
 10. Perioperation
 11. Emergency Intervention
 12. Cardiovascular intervention
 13. Respiratory intervention
 14. Obstetric, gynecologic intervention and Child Intervention
 15. Ultrasound intervention
 16. Pain and Biological Oxidation Intervention
 17. other

All Abstracts must be submitted online with Microsoft Word file attachment, with the preparation as follow:
1. Abstracts must be typed in English; Arial font size 12pt and single spacing
2. The Abstract must not exceed the 300 word limit excluding the title and authors.
3. Abstract title is limited to 20 words in UPPER CASE (All Caps)
4. Authors' full name shall be written by first name and followed by family name in upper and lower case
5. Primary author(s) is the first mentioned, and underlined for presenting author
6. Affiliation details in sequence for department, institution/hospital, city/state, country
7. Avoid using non standard abbreviations, unfamiliar terms; symbols or acronyms not easily understood by general readers. Non-standard abbreviations must be defined in full at their first appearance
8. Use generic name of drugs. Express numbers as numerals
9. A maximum 3 Tables of up to 10 rows x 10 columns can be included per abstract
10. Graphs/diagrams/images should be in JPG/JPEG format. A maximum of 3 images can be included per abstract. The maximum pixel size of the graph/image is 600(w) x 800(h) pixel
11. It is important to put note on each images and graphs in the abstract, which is worth maximum 30 words. The complete abstract (including text; graphs and tables) must not exceed size limit of 17cm wide and 19cm length
12. References are not obligatory and word count is affected by inclusion of references
13. The content of Abstracts is four paragraphs in UPPER CASE that briefly state as follow:
a) OBJECTIVE: State concisely why the study was conducted.
b) METHOD: Indicate the locale, sample number, principal test(s) performed and the types of statistical analysis employed.
c) RESULT: confirm the hypothesis, supported by statistic if appropriate
d) CONCLUSION: State the effect of the study on future patient management or understanding of basic process

  • DAYS
Key Dates
Meeting Date
18 - 212019
Abstract Submission Deadline
March 15, 2019
Online Registration Deadline
March 15, 2019

March 15